At Offord Primary School we offer a broad, balanced and inspiring curriculum which will challenge and excite our learners. Our aim is to inspire our children to become life-long learners. We will equip our pupils with a deep body of knowledge and embellish our curriculum with opportunities and experiences that will allow the children to become culturally rich and able to understand and navigate the world outside of our school grounds.
The knowledge and vocabulary rich nature of our curriculum gives the children the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and understanding. Our curriculum has been designed to build upon the learning experiences and opportunities that the children encounter year on year. The acquisition of knowledge is through a range of researched practical methods which allow children to learn in a way which allows them to fulfil their full potential, making links within subjects and driving them to become aspirational learners.
Through questioning and exploring knowledge in a range of ways, we hope that our pupils will develop into curious and confident learners who contribute well in lessons and are proud of their achievements. By working together to achieve, we hope that our children will support and encourage each other, take every opportunity given to them, to recognise both their errors and successes in order for real learning to occur.
A great education gives children the courage and confidence to express their knowledge, their views and question what is presented to them. Our close connections with our children and the knowledge we give them allows them to be these types of learners, thus helping us to provide a curriculum in which everyone can achieve.
Reading and Maths are priorities in all year groups. In the earliest years, we develop children’s phonological awareness through the explicit teaching of phonemes through the Read Write Inc programme. As they progress through the school, quality texts are used to support develop reading and writing. For maths we believe that all children can master mathematical skills. We follow a mastery approach which builds through small coherent steps which will allow the children to have a secure understanding of the subject. When teaching other areas of the curriculum we expect that the skills gained in our priority subjects will be used to enhance their understanding and the quality of work that is produced.