At Offord Primary School we want to help pupils to become valuable citizens who have a voice in the way the world works - and have something to say about it! We respect their views and support their thinking and decision making.
One of the most practical ways we promote this is through our School Council. Every year, each class votes for two of their classmates to represent them. These representatives then share the class views about the way the school is run, and ways in which they can be active as part of their community in the village and beyond.
School Councillors play an important part in leading our charitable events like ‘Children in Need’ and ‘Red Nose Day’. They may represent the school during visits to public places and they share information with their classes. Each year a Chair of the School Council is elected and they lead the discussions that are held at each meeting.
The role of School Councillor is a special honour, and one in which the children excel.